Dental Health Care
Accepting New Patients Now!

Call | 01992 582 945

Dental Health Care
73 Ware Road
Hertford SG13 7ED

Professional Dental Hygiene Services for Healthy teeth

Dental hygienists are very important to our dental care, they are specially trained in professionally cleaning our teeth, helping to prevent gum disease and maintaining our dental restorations. Early stages of gum disease does not always show physical signs and symptoms so detecting gum disease early can prevent the need for extensive dental treatment in the future.


When you visit the hygienist they will spend time completing the following;

  • Removing any hard deposits (tartar) that have formed on your teeth.
  • Detailed assessment of your gums and surrounding supportive tissues
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Polishing of the teeth
  • Education and instruction on looking after your teeth at home and information on toothbrushes and other aids such as floss and brushes that suit your individual needs.

Regular visits to the hygienist will;

  • Prevent gum disease from starting or prevent it from worsening any further
  • Help remove stained areas from your teeth
  • Help to change any red and inflamed areas of gum to a healthy pink
  • Stop gums from bleeding when brushing
  • Prevent teeth from becoming mobile and drifting as a result of gum disease
  • Prevent unpleasant tastes and bad breath


Call now on
01992 582 945

Please call
now on 
01992 582 945

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